- The ship draws deep. 这条船吃水深。
- The ship draws 28 feet of water . 那艘船吃水28英尺。
- The ship draws 2 0 feet of water . 这条船吃水20尺。
- The ship draws twenty feet of water. 这船吃水二十英尺。
- Their ship draws deep. 他们的船吃水很深。
- The children cheered as the ship drew slowly away. 当船徐徐开动时,孩子们欢呼雀跃。
- His face was drawn with pai The ship draws 28 feet of water. 那艘船吃水28英尺。
- The ship sank deep into the sea. 船深深地沉入了海底。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 这条船从船头到船尾装满了货物。
- Draw deep breath. How fresh the air here is! 深呼吸,这里的空气多新鲜啊!
- The ship draws six feet. 这条船吃水六英尺。
- He looked on in horrified fascination as the ship drew nearer to the rocks. 他万分惊恐地看着船越来越靠近礁石。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 这条船在浮标的左边。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- The ship was prized for violating neutrality. 那艘船因违犯中立而被捕获。
- A terrible storm forced the ship to put back. 可怕的风暴迫使这条船返航了。
- The ship came about and headed back for safety. 这只船掉过头往回开到安全地带去。