- The shingles overlap. 木瓦相互搭接。
- The shingles lapped over each other. 木瓦互相搭接。
- The shingles were nailed back onto the roof. 屋面瓦块被钉在了房顶上。
- The shingles of the roof lapped over neatly. 屋顶板重叠得很整齐。
- The shingles lapped over each other . 木瓦重叠摞在一起。
- Sparks from the chimney ignited the shingles. 从烟囱里冒出的火星燃着了屋顶板。
- He will hammer down the shingles. 他会把这片墙板敲下来。
- The shingles must be fixed ; otherwise the roof will leak . 屋顶板必须固定,否则会漏雨。
- Put the shingles on the roof so that they lap over each other. 将木瓦重叠排放在屋顶上。
- We listened to the rain on the shingle roof. 我们听著雨水打在屋顶的木瓦上。
- The roof of our house is covered by shingles. 我家的屋顶是用木瓦铺的。
- One of the first things that reputable cleaning services look at is whether or not the shingles are in good shape. 随着乡村风格再度席卷全球,回归自然风尚在欧洲也更为流行起来。
- Then I hear something I can't decode - perhaps a tree branch raking the shingles on the shop roof next door. 还有一种说不清是什么的声音--可能是树枝扫过隔壁店铺的屋顶吧。
- On hot afternoons, Mr.Newman runs a hose to the roof and douses the shingles for 20 minutes, which he swears lowers the temperature inside. 在一个炎热的夏日午后,纽曼拉着水管来到天台,用凉水给屋顶冲了20分钟,并言之凿凿地说,这样可以降低室内温度。
- The growl of the thunder was distant and passing away. The rain beat softly upon the shingles, inviting them to drowsiness and sleep. But they dared not yield. 隆隆的雷鸣渐渐远去继而消失了。雨点轻柔地敲打着木板棚,让人昏昏欲睡。可他们不敢就这样睡去。
- And using the shingles meant he didn't have to paint the house, which would have cost $14,000 to $18,000 and would have to be redone every 10 years or so. 而且使用这些薄板意谓他不需粉刷房屋,粉刷需多花14,000到18,000美元,而且每隔十年左右即得重新粉刷。
- The placement of the shingles on the sides of the house rather than the roof, he said, means they are less exposed to the elements and should hold up better. 他说,把墙板铺在房子外墙而不是屋顶,意谓墙板暴露于风雨的时候大为减少,将更耐用。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。