- The sea was choppy today because of the windstorm. 今天起了风暴,海上波涛汹涌。
- The sea was boisterous. 海上风浪汹涌。
- The sea was breaking over the wrecked ship. 海水冲撞著破船的残骸。
- The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing. 疾风劲吹,海浪汹涌。
- After the storm, the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam. 暴风雨后,海上漂浮着遇难船只的残骸和货物。
- The erosion of the coastline by the sea was ignored by people. 海水对海岸的冲刷被人们忽视了。
- The sea was calm at the beginning of our voyage. 我们出海时,海上风平浪静。
- The sea was dotted with little boats. 海面上小船星罗棋布。
- To spend holidays by the sea was his dream. 在海滨度假是他想往的事。
- The sea was shimmering in the sunlight. 阳光下海水波光闪烁。
- The high wind passed and the sea was calm again. 大风过後,大海重又风平浪静。
- In the past, letters from across the sea were like angels' visits. 从前,越洋而来的信件是稀罕的,有如天使来访。
- The sea was choppy today because of the wind. 今天有风,海上波涛汹涌。
- The sea was knocking down steadily. 海面逐渐平静下来了。
- The sea was quiet before the storm struck. 暴风雨来袭前海面很平静。
- The sea was rolling in immense surges. 海面上汹涌澎湃。
- The sea was extraordinarily calm that morning. 那天清晨, 大海出奇地宁静。
- The sea was rough and we were all below. 海上风浪大作,我们都躲在下层甲板。
- The sea was gradually gaining on the buildings, which at length almost entirely disappeared. 大海不断地侵蚀着这些建筑物,最后它们几乎完全不见了。
- The sea was of a lapis lazuli blue. 大海呈天青石色。