- The same applies to people who have tidy homes. 家里整洁有序的人也是如此。
- The same applies to every other field of endeavour. 各方面都要解决这个问题。
- The same applies to a trunked radio system. 集群无线系统也是如此。
- The same applies to deceleration in manoeuvreing. 同样可以适用于减速。
- And the same to you with knobs on! 祝你同样,而且还更好!
- The same applies to Claude Makelele who also returned on Monday. 周一才回来的马克莱莱同样也不会出场。
- The same applies to ships where sailors are concerned. 一样的适用于船那里,水手是有关的。
- The same applies to the Spanish-speaking countries in Latin-America. 拉丁美洲讲西班牙语的国家,情况也如此。
- The same applies to the Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. 拉丁美洲讲西班牙语的情况也是如此。
- By the same vessel, I have consigned twenty bales of cotton to you for sale. 我们已利用同一货轮,寄出20包棉花请贵公司代销。
- Much the same class of goods that we send to you. 和寄送给你们的大致是相同的货品。
- If it's all the same to you,I will not. 如果这对你都一样,我就不要了吧。
- Naturally,the same applies to the new literature and art which are part of the new culture. 新文化中的新文学新艺术,自然也是这样。
- How does Friday at the same time sound to you? 星期五同一个时间,您觉得如何?
- The same applies to the relationship between cadres in army service and other cadres working in the locality. 军队工作干部和地方工作干部的关系也是如此。
- The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism. 意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替有神论。
- British companies are subject to international laws and the same applies to companies in Europe. 英国的公司要遵守国际法,这同样适用于欧洲的公司。
- Naturally, the same applies to the new literature and art which are part of the new culture. 新文化中的新文学新艺术,自然也是这样。
- The same applies to transitions from one movement to another, for instance from passage to piaffe or vice versa. 从一个动作移行到另一个动作时,也应遵守上述原则。例如从正步移行成原地踏步或是反过来都是一样的。
- The same applies to many ships you encounter on your travels between the planets. 这一点对你在行星间旅行时遇到的很多飞船也同样适用。