- The road leads direct there. 这条路直通那儿。
- The road leads traffic into the center of the town. 车辆经这条路进出。
- All the roads leading to the city had been mined. 通往该城的所有路上都已布雷。
- The road leads up the side of the hill. 公路沿山腰盘旋而上。
- You can't miss the bookstore,the road leads right by it. 你不会找不到那家书店的,它就在这条路的路边上。
- Following the road leads you to your destination in the end. 我们穿越这条路之后,最后将到达旅途的终点。
- You can't miss the bookstore, the road leads right by it. 你不会找不到那家书店的,它就在这条路的路边上。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
- These are the roads leading to the city. 这些是通向那座城的公路。
- The road led to the foot of a mountain. 这条路过去通往山脚下。
- There is a path between the house and the road. 有条小路将房子与出路连接起来。
- The road under repair leads to our university. 正在翻修的那条路通往我们的学校。
- After the heavy rain there were pools on the road. 大雨过后路上有一些小水坑。
- All the roads leading to the city had been minded. 通往该市的所有公路都布了地雷。
- Dad and Mom crossed the street to the road leading up to the hill. 父亲母亲默默的穿过街道,弯到上山的那条公路去。
- Seeing the road leads down,my colleague cheered "We don't need to climb any more". 看到是下山的路,同事不禁欢呼:“终于不再往上爬了”。
- All the roads leading to the city had been mined . 所有通往这座城市的道路都被布设了地雷。
- There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. 夏天路上的车子比冬天多。
- Challenge the limits of innovation beyond, has become the road leads to the credo of Hakata far! 挑战极限,创新超越,就成为路通博远人的信条!
- There are many luminous road signs along the roads. 沿着路有许多夜光路标。