- The result be, in the main, satisfactory. 结果基本上是令人满意的。
- The results are dynamic paintings. 其结果是画有力度。
- See if the results are on teletext. 看看结果是否上了图文电视。
- The results are illustrated in figure 3 opposite. 结果已在对页图表3中显示。
- No matter what she did, the result was all one. 无论她怎么做,结果都是一样的。
- The results are indicated in Table 2. 结果列在表2中。
- The results are represented in fig.3 below. 结果如下面的图3所示。
- The results are shown in diagram 2. 结果显示在表2上。
- The results are well worth the expense. 有这些结果花的钱很值。
- The result was a vindication of all our efforts. 这一结果表明我们的一切努力是必要的。
- It's satisfying when the results are good. 叫人满意的是,结果圆满。
- Results are displayed in the Result pane. 结果显示在“结果”窗格中。
- The results are achieved by more transparent way. 结果是以更为透明可见的方式取得的。
- The results are analyzed by SEM and EDXA. 对制备的各种纳米结构形貌运用SEM及其EDXA能谱分析系统等进行了表征。
- The results are by no means poor. 成绩不算太差。
- The results are concordant with... 结果与...一致
- But the results are surprising, even shocking. 但是结果却出人意料,甚至可以说是震惊。
- The results are not currently viewable. 您希望现在以注册用户帐号登录么?
- Now the results are coming through. 现在情况正逐渐好转。
- The results are still inconclusive. 结果仍然不确定。