- The practice of lying. 说谎说谎的行为
- The practice of playing off one great power against another is not new. 挑拨一个强国对抗另一个强国并不是什么新的手法。
- He questioned the practicality of the proposal. 他对该项建议的可行性表示怀疑。
- Idealists have objected to the practice of camping. 理想主义者反对野营活动。
- The practice of traveling for pleasure. 观光为娱乐而进行的旅行的业务
- To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine. 当兽医从事兽医医学的实践
- The practice of or involvement in such schemes. 密谋的进行此类计划的实行或卷入此类计划
- She never took the veil, but lived and died in severe seclusion, and in the practice of the Roman Catholic religion. 她从未出家当修女,可直到去世始终过着严格的隐居生活,奉行着罗马天主教的习惯。
- I'm not sure about the practicality of that suggestion. 我还无法确定那个建议的可行性。
- One that engages in the practice of blockbusting. 从事街区房地产的投机商
- Advocating the practice of slavery. 赞成奴隶制的提倡实行奴隶制的
- Ayurveda can shed light on the practice of yoga. 阿育吠陀让瑜伽练习散发光芒。
- Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. 瑜伽是平静思维的运动。
- The practice of killing newborn infants. 杀婴之习杀掉新生婴儿的习俗
- He sailed into the witness, accusing him of lying. 他指责证人撒谎。
- I'm not sure about the practicality of their plan. 我还无法确定他们的那个计划的可行性如何。
- The act of lying in wait to attack by surprise. 埋伏埋伏着,等待进行出其不意的袭击的行为
- The practice of writing poetry;poetic composition. 写诗的章法;诗的创作
- We're not usually in the practice of. 我们并不经常在实践。
- We cannot adopt the practice of the West. 不能搞西方那一套。