- The police car sped past us. 警车从我们身边疾驶而过。
- A market police car sped past just now. 刚才一辆有标记的警车急驶而过。
- The car speeded past us at 8 0 m.p.h . 该车以每小时80公里的速度从我们身边开了过去。
- The car speeded past us at 80m.p.h. 该车以每小时80公里的速度从我们身边开了过去。
- The car speeded past us at 8 0 m.p.h. 该车以每小时80公里的速度从我们身边开了过去。
- The police car sped away, but failed to locate Georgos. 警车飞驶而去,但未能找着乔戈斯的下落。
- The driver saw the police car following him in his side mirror. 驾驶员从旁镜中看到了警车在跟踪他。
- The police car is driving at full speed. 警车全速前进。
- A car sped past, raising a cloud of dust. 汽车飞驰而过, 卷起一阵尘土。
- The gang took (to) flight when they heard the police car. 那伙歹徒听到警车声便逃跑了。
- We were harried into the police car. 我们被推进了警车。
- The police car went in full career to the rescue. 警车开足马力前去救援。
- Our car sped past the gates of factories for processing mineral ores. 我们的车子从一些矿石加工厂门口驶过。
- The police car overtook the lorry . 警车追上了那辆卡车。
- The police car cruised the neighborhood. 警车在那个地区巡行。
- Drive faster - the police car is gaining on us. 开快点,警车快追上我们了。
- The police car overtook the lorry. 警车追上了那辆卡车。
- The police car signalled to us to pull in. 警车发出信号,要我们驶向路边停靠。
- The light on top of the police car was flashing. 警车上部的灯在闪耀。
- Katie looked up through the windshield clutching the steering wheel.A car sped past her and down the hill toward the city. 卡蒂抓着方向盘,透过挡风玻璃,她看见有辆车加速超过她,冲下山直奔城里去了。