- The peasants are reaping a field of barley. 农民们正在收割大麦。
- The peasants are harvesting rice in the field. 农民们正在田野里收割稻子。
- In autumn all the peasants are happy to pick apples from their own trees. 秋天里所有的农民都喜气洋洋地从自家的树上收摘苹果。
- The peasants are getting in the crops happily. 农民们在愉快地收割庄稼。
- The peasants are labouring in the fields. 农民正在田里劳动。
- The peasants are spraying their vegetable gardens. 农民在给菜园喷灌(浇水)。
- The peasants are singing about their happy life. 农民们在歌颂他们美好的生活。
- In effect the peasants were still serfs. 这种农民,实际上还是农奴。
- The peasants are gathering in the harvest. 农民在收割庄稼。
- The peasants are the chief ally of the proletariat. 农民是无产阶级最主要的同盟军。
- The peasant was worked to death, and his son was? 那位农夫被累死了,他的儿子被打死了。被判死刑了吗?
- The peasants were ploughing the field. 农民们在耕田。
- The peasants are bringing in the harvest. 农民们正在收获庄稼。
- The peasants are pushing on with their reaping. 农民们正在进行收割。
- The peasants are shoving on with their reaping. 农民们在继续进行收割。
- The peasants are working with a will. 农民干劲很大。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。
- The peasants are distributing manure over the rice field. 农民们正在把肥料撒在稻田里。
- The peasants are ground down by poverty,ignorance and disease. 农民们受贫穷、无知和疾病的折磨。
- The peasants are reaping good harvests in succession. 农民连年丰收。