- The peach trees are budding. 那些桃樹正在長出花蕾。
- The peach trees are in full bloom in spring. 春天桃花盛开。
- The peach trees are in full bloom. 桃花盛开。
- The peach trees are fruiting early this year. 桃树今年结果较早。
- The peach trees are not going to bear well this year. 今年桃树结果不会多。
- The peach trees are in full bloom. or The peach blossoms are out. 桃花开得很盛。
- The trees are budding early this year. 今年树木发芽早。
- The peach trees were interspersed among the willows. 桃树被栽在柳树间。
- It beyonds expectation that the peach tree was planted last year comes into flower now. 去年种了一颗桃树,不料今年竟开起花来。
- Those boys rifled the peach trees in our garden. 那些男孩子把我们花园里的桃树抢摘光了。
- The trees are budding and spring is near. 树在发芽了,春天即将来临。
- The peach trees are blooming. 桃树开花了。
- The peach trees blossomed, and the wild plums. 桃花也开了,还有那洋李。
- The peach trees in the orchard are thriving. 果园的桃树长得很旺盛。
- Peach trees were interspersed among the willows. 在柳树中间错落有致地种有桃树。
- Peach trees are in full blossom. 桃花开得正旺。
- Tangerine and peach trees are grown by this method. 橘子树和桃树都用这种方式繁殖。
- The peach flowers are now in bud. 桃花正含苞待放。
- The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year. 今年这棵桃树花开得很好。
- The peach trees promise a rich crop this year. 今年桃子丰收在望。