- The object resolver set specified was not found. 没有发现指定的对象解析器。
- The object specified was not found. 没有发现指定的对象。
- The object universal unique identifier (UUID) was not found. 找不到对象通用唯一标识(UUID)。
- The object was not found. 找不到该对象。
- "Error compacting
: The object store that is used by this note was not found or is not a Notes database". 用户并没有使用共享邮件,而且也不知道以前是否在该服务器上使用了共享邮件。 - If the object did not have an expression set, or if the object was not found in the reference service, 如果该对象没有设置表达式,或者如果引用服务中未在找到该对象
- They said it would not end quickly but that the objective was not to reoccupy Gaza or topple Hamas. 但是,周六晚些时候,美国否决了阿拉伯国家提出的一个要求立即停火的安理会声明。
- A plugin for the mime type XX was not found. 找不到mime类型xx的插入部件。
- The disk file was not found or was inaccessible. 找不到磁盘文件或无法访问该文件。
- The specified attachment was not found. 没有找到指定的附件。
- The specified resource type was not found. 找不到指定的资源类型。
- If the objects are not of the same class, the results are undefined. 如果这些对象不属于同一类,则结果不确定。
- The frame was not found in the buffer. 在缓冲区中找不到该帧。
- An object ID was not found in the file. 文件中没有找到对象ID。
- Unless explicitly specified otherwise, objects that depend on another object are not processed when the object to which they relate is processed. 除非显式指定,否则,在处理对象时,不会处理依赖该对象的对象。
- The system key was not found on the diskette. 在磁盘上找不到系统密钥。
- POb A constant pointer to the object being stored. 被存储对象的常量指针。
- The infrared recipient was not found. 没有找到红外接收者。
- The object was closed or disposed. 对象已关闭或已释放。
- Loop, the order in which the fields of the object are assigned to the loop counter variable are not necessarily predictable or controllable. 循环逐个通过对象的属性时,将对象字段赋给循环计数器变量的顺序不一定能预测或控制。