- The news is quite ticklish to the ear. 这消息听起来使人觉得有些难办。
- VM: In fact the news is quite positive. 事实上这条新闻还是很值得欣慰的。
- The news is all about the latest summit meeting. 这条消息是关於最近的首脑级会议的。
- The news is from the southwestern country. 这个消息来自西南方向的村子。
- The new plan is quite different from the old. 这个新方案与旧的大不相同。
- "The news is quite good at the moment. We have no new injuries from the Charlton game and we have Eboue available for Saturday," added Wenger. “现在的状况很好。我们在与查尔顿的比赛中没有新添伤兵,而且埃布埃在周六即将复出。”温格补充说。
- The news is sure to overset him. 这条消息必定会使他心神不安。
- Suppose (that) the news is true: what then? 假定这消息是真的, 那又怎样?
- I do not know whether the news is true. 我不知道这消息是不是真的。
- Let us suppose that the news is ture. 让我们假定这消息是正确的。
- Let us suppose (that) the news is true. 我们假设这消息是正确的。
- His reaction to the news story is quite unexpected. 他对这个新闻报导的反应很出人意料。
- The news is given out that the king has died. 国王的死讯已经公布。
- The news is broadcast repeatedly on the television. 新闻在电视里反复播出。
- The news is good for (the team's) morale. 这消息对提高(全队的)士气大有好处.
- The news is not true,whoever may say so. 不管是谁说的,这消息都不是真的。
- Let's suppose (that) the news is true. 让我们假定这消息是真的。
- Suppose that the news is true, what then? 就算这消息是真的,那又怎么样?
- The news is boring and it's always the same things. 新闻没意思,老是一样的事情。
- The plan for the new building in town is quite superb. 在镇上修建新大厦的计划太棒了。