- Accordingly, farmland is the country develops, the nation is prosperous the most important the stablest rich and development element. 因此,耕地是国家发达,民族兴旺最重要最稳定的自然资源和发展要素。
- The nation is prosperous. 国家兴盛。
- The nation is prosperous on the whole,but how much prosperity is there in a hole? 国家在整体上是在繁荣,但究竟有多少繁荣是处于困境的呢?
- The nation is prosperous on the whole, but how much prosperity is there in a hole? 国家在整体上是在繁荣,但究竟有多少繁荣是处于困境的呢?
- The nation is seething with political unrest. 该国因政治动荡而举国骚动。
- Time is the architect, the nation is the builder. 时间是建筑师,人民是泥水匠。
- Time is the architect,the nation is the builder. 时间是建筑师,人民是泥水匠。
- The nation is comprised of thirteen states. 这个国家由13个州组成。
- The future of the nation is in the balance. 该国的前途未卜。
- The nation is ruining itself physically and morally. 该民族正从肉体上和精神上毁灭自己。
- When the nation is in peril, how can one talk about home? 国将不国, 何以为家?
- The young nation is faced with many difficulties. 那个新建立的国家面临许多困难。
- The Jewish nation is scattered around the world. 犹太民族散居于世界各地。
- The process of bringing in the nations is a birthing process. 将万国带进神的家.;是一个生产过程。
- The nation is experiencing turmoil, the hero is favored by luck. 民族正经历着动荡,主角正被幸运之神垂青。
- The nation's economy is growing rapidly. 这个国家的经济在快速增长。
- The nation is on a war footing. 全国实行战时体制。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。
- Baseball is the national game of the USA. 棒球是美国全民喜爱的运动。
- Our integrity as a nation is threatened. 我们国家的完整性受到了威胁。