- The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
- The money is a shoot in the arm for the company. 这笔钱给这家公司带来了活力。
- The money is at our own disposal. 这钱由我们自由支配使用。
- The money is ready. 款已备妥。
- The money is being held in trust for him until he is twenty-one. 这笔钱委托他人代管,到他二十一岁才能使用。
- The money is invested principally in government stock. 这笔钱主要投资于政府公债上。
- The accusation that I stole the money is false. 说我偷了钱的指控是不实的。
- The rest of the money is invested in gilt. 其余的钱投资于金边证券。
- The money is deductible from taxable income. 这笔款项可从应征税的公司收入中扣除。
- The money is invested principally in oil. 资金主要用於石油方面。
- The money is three-quarters gone. 钱少了四分之三。
- The money is on the table with the shopping-list. 钱在桌子上跟购物单在一起呢。
- Having to accept the money is a blow to her pride. 接受这笔钱对她的自尊心是种打击。
- How to spend the money is for you to decide. 怎样花这笔钱由你决定。
- The majority of the money is spent on books. 大多数钱都花在了书上。
- The money is going to be collected tomorrow. 明天将收钱。
- The money is to be used for one specific purpose. 这笔钱有专门用途。
- The money is on the table with the shopping list. 钱在桌子上跟购物单在一起呢。
- The money is just right.Do you want a receipt? 钱正好对,要收据吗?
- The money is to be used for specific purposes. 这笔钱有专门用途。