- The milkman calls every day. 送牛奶的人每天都来。
- The milkman calls at seven-thirty every morning, regular as clockwork. 送奶人极有规律地在早晨7:30送来牛奶。
- First,can you tell me what time the milkman call? 首先,请您告诉我送牛奶的人什么时候来?
- Every day the milkman delivers milk to our house. 每天送牛奶的人都把牛奶送到我家。
- The milkman calls at seven-thirty every morning,regular as clockwork. 送奶人极有规律地在早晨7:30送来牛奶。
- First, can you tell me what time the milkman call? 首先,请您告诉我送牛奶的人什么时候来?
- The milkman comes every other day. 送牛奶的人每隔一天来一次。
- Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions. 每天有好几百人打电话查询各种各样的问题。
- In some towns in Britain,the milkman brings the milk the family wants to the houses every day. 在英国的一些城镇,送奶工每天把奶送到有需要的家庭。
- Subsequently, zhang Mou is gentle and additional one name poplar surnames a staff member to call every day come over go canvassing. 随后,张某平和另外一名杨姓工作人员天天打电话过来游说。
- Every day before class begins the teacher always calls the roll. 每天在开始上课前,老师经常要点名。
- Every day he trod the same path to school. 他每天都走同一条路上学。
- Put your empties on the doorstep for the milkman. 把空奶瓶放到门阶上,等送奶人来取。
- He swims every day during the summer. 他夏天每天游泳。
- When does the milkman make his call at your house? 送奶工何时到你家?
- Are you the young man who called every day to ask after me all the time I was ill,and would never leave his name? 据说在我生病的时候,有一个青年每天都来打听我的病情,但一直不愿留下姓名,这个年轻人难道就是您吗?
- Empty bottles chinked as the milkman put them into the crate. 送奶人把空瓶放进箱格时,瓶子发出咣啷咣啷的碰撞声。
- I figured there was someone in America who called every airline every day and said,"Is that wimp Simon flying somewhere today? 我想在美国有这么一个人每天给所有的航空公司打电话问:“今天那个懦夫西蒙要飞到哪儿去吗?
- The milkman comes at six every morning. 每天早上六点钟送牛奶的人就到了.
- "First, can you tell me what time the milkman calls? " "首先,请您告诉我送牛奶的人什么时候来?"