- The masking language used by 使用的掩码语言由其关联的
- Slang, language used by computer specialists. 计算机专家们所使用的语言,即行话。
- Here you can choose the language used by KDM. 核取所有您允许不使用密码登入的使用者。
- A formal language used by peer entities to exchange information. 为交换信息由对等实体使用的一种形式语言。
- The use of Pudonghua shall be promoted among citizens and the Chinese language used by the mass media shall be standardized. 在市民中推广普通话,规范大众媒体语言文字的使用。
- The default language used by Visual Studio for the UI is the first language you installed. Visual Studio为用户界面使用的默认语言为安装的第一种语言。
- However, there are signs that the heavy nationalist language used by Mr Zong has not gone down well in Beijing. 不过,一些迹象表明,宗庆后使用的带有强烈民族主义色彩的语言在北京并不太奏效。
- It's an abstraction of the real world, and a language used by people to describing nature. 它事实上是一种对现实的抽象,是人们描绘大自然时使用的一门语言。
- Tent is used by camper and by soldier in the field. 露营的人和战地的士兵用帐篷。
- Sham is sham and the mask must be stripped off. 假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去。
- The mask fitted tightly over his face. 他用面具把脸蒙得严严的。
- By the way,the "mother tongue" in this article refers to the general standard language used by an ethnic group,and not the narrow definition of a "mother tongue". 顺带一提,本文所谓的“母语”是广义的本民族的标准用语,而不是狭义的“妈妈语”。
- They did so under the mask of charity. 他们是打着慈善的幌子这么做的。
- Arabic is the language used by the Arabian peoples, and it is one of the oldest languages in the world. 阿拉伯语是阿拉伯各民族使用的语言 ,是世界上非常古老的语言之一。
- A base, ungenerous wretch who under the mask of friendship has undone me. 有个卑鄙、吝啬的家伙打着友谊的幌子把我毁了。
- The different languages used by different media and their norms directly influence the language used in the country. 其中,由不同大众传播媒介所形成的传媒语言及其规范问题,直接关系到大众传媒功能的实现和国家、民族的语言文化水平。
- This cave was used by smugglersin the eighteenth century. 这个洞穴是十八世纪走私的人使用的。
- You must have compilers for all programming languages used by the site on the server. 服务器上必须具有供此站点使用的所有编程语言的编译器。
- He quitted the mask for an agreeable grimace. 他不再做出那种自鸣得意的怪模怪样的假象。
- Facial painting is an adaptation of the mask. 脸谱是由面具演变而来的。