- The map was drawn to scale. 地图是按比例绘制的。
- The house was drawn to scale, except one part which was out of scale. 这张房屋图纸是按比例绘制的,只有一个部分不合比例。
- The map was drawn on a chalkboard with ink-markers. 那张地图用记号笔画在一块黑板上。
- The house was drawn to scale,except one part which was out of scale. 这张房屋图纸是按比例绘制的,只有一个部分不合比例。
- He drew the map to scale, making one inch represent 50 miles. 他按比例画那幅地图,每一英寸代表50英里。
- The man was so genial, so I was drawn to him at once. 这人这么和蔼,我立刻为他着迷。
- The map is drawn to a scale of one of ten thousand. 这张地图是按万分之一的比例绘制的。
- Both plans are drawn to the same scale. 两张平面图是按同一比例绘制的。
- Let us simply say that their work is so controversial in relation to the current metaphysical movement that the map carvers of ascension are the only ones who resonate and are drawn to study the materials. 让我们简单地说,在与当前形而上学的动态关系中,他们的工作是如此有争论性,只有提升地图切割者共鸣并被吸引去学习资料。
- Italy had been drawn to play Spain in the world cup. 在世界杯足球赛中意大利队抓到斗龟儿定与西班牙队比赛。
- The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet. 动画片强烈地吸引着那个小姑娘。
- I was drawn to music from my earlist days. 我在年幼的时候就被音乐吸引住了。
- My eyes were drawn to the man in the corner. 角落里的那个男人引起了我的注意。
- The map was a crazy quilt of districts and precincts. 这是一张由不规则的地区和选区构成的地图
- The month was drawing to a close. 快到月末了。
- The map was a crazy quiltof districts and precincts. 这是一张由不规则的地区和选区构成的地图。
- I confided to Frances that I was drawn to medicine. 我对弗朗西斯推心置腹地说,我想去学医。
- He drew the map to scale,making one inch represent 50 miles. 他按比例画那幅地图,每一英寸代表50英里。
- The convoy was drawing to an end. 车队总算全开了过去。
- I was drawn to these letters like a magnet. 如磁铁一般我被这些信件吸引住了。