- The machine is at work smoothly. 机器正在平稳地运转。
- The machine is at rest. 机器没有开动。
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。
- The machine is being experimentally used. 这些机器正在被实验地使用着。
- The machine is operated by an electronic pulse. 这台机器由电子脉冲信号操纵。
- The machine is unsafe because of the defects in it. 这台机器不安全,因为其中有毛病。
- They also say people need less oxygen when the heart is at rest. 他们还指出,人们在心脏停止时所需的氧气是很少的。
- Please note how the machine is operated. 请注意机器的操作方法。
- The seal has worn and the machine is losing oil. 密封处已经磨损,机器漏油了。
- I'm not at all convinced the machine is reliable. 我完全不相信这台机器是可靠的。
- The machine is operating continuously. 那台机器一直在不停地运转。
- The machine is in running order. 这台机器运转正常。
- The object is at rest and resists being moved quickly. (动词宾语)物体静止时,它就阻止对它的迅速移动。
- The machine is not operating properly. 机器运转得不正常。
- The machine is exposed to the wind and rain . 这台机器经受风吹雨打。
- They are manual operation and electromotion.When the machine is in electromotion control,the system can work only if the bow is at horizontal position. 在电动配置的机器中,绞弓必须处于水平位置,线盘上落机构才能工作。
- The machine is operated through the keyboard. 这种机器是通过键盘操作的。
- The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing. 现在全地得安息,享平静。人皆发声欢呼。
- The machine is still under warranty. 这台机器仍在保修期内
- Single-hose system aggression is also ideal for removing heavier build-up or for blasting at a vertical elevation where the machine is at a lover level than the blasting surface. 当清除较重的积垢时,或在垂直方向上进行喷射且机器高度低于喷射表面时,单管型系统的清洁度也非常理想。