- If the quality of the land is not very good, studies have shown that one kind of tree that can grow well is the white pine, another is the loblolly pine. 研究表明,如果土地质量不是很好,有一种树可以生长的很好,那就是枞,另一个为火炬松。
- The loblolly pine. 火炬松木
- Another is the loblolly pine. 一层又高大的树木组成。
- and the other) another is the loblolly pine. 还有一种就是火炬松.
- Growth Performance of the Loblolly Pine Genetic Resources 火炬松遗传资源林的生长表现
- Another is the labulalypant loblolly pine. 另一种是火炬松。
- The Natural Enemies and Biological Control of the Loblolly Pine Mealybug, Oracella acuta 湿地松粉蚧的天敌及生物防治
- The Distribution and the Seasonal Variation Characteristics of Heavy Metals on the Loblolly Pine Plantation in Suburb 城市近郊火炬松林重金属元素的分布及其季节变化
- There is conflicting evidence regarding the amount of north-south differentiation in loblolly pine. 关于火炬松南北分化的数量存在着相抵触的证据。
- Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province. 为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。
- Balocchi C E,Bridgwater F E.Selection efficiency in a non selected population of loblolly pine[J].For.Sci. 周永学;苏晓华;樊军锋;等.;引种欧洲黑杨无性系苗期生长测定与选择[J]
- Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two 2 kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. 研究表明,白松和火炬松是适合于边际土地种植的两种林木。
- Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. 已有研究表明,五针松和火炬松是两种能在边缘土地很好地生长的树木。
- Compared with the commercial species of loblolly pine, genetic gain in volume is 19.2%. 与火炬松商品种比,材积遗传增益为19.;20%25
- Another is (loblolly pine).Windbreaks not only protect the land and crops from the wind. 防风林不仅保护土地和庄稼免于风的侵害。
- Studies have shown thatthe white pine and loblolly pine are two kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. 研究表明,美国五针松和火炬松在边缘土地上长势很好。
- A trial with different tending methods was conducted in a 7 year old loblolly pine plantation on a low hill at Wengyuan county of Guangdong province. 在广东省翁源县江尾镇低丘赤红壤上,对7年生火炬松人工林的抚育强度、季节和次数进行了研究。
- Studies have shown that the white pime pine and pime loblolly pine are two 2 kinds of trees that grow well on the marginal land. 研究表明白松和火柜松是适宜在边际土地上生长的二种树。
- It is not good that some better provenance were selected out in early stage of test stands of loblolly pine without indexes of wood properties. 早期优良种源评选没有考虑木材性状是不符合工业人工林培育种源选择的标准。
- Another is the loblolly pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. 防风林不仅能保护土壤和农作物免受风的袭击。