- The little boy is piling up his building blocks. 小男孩正在搭积木。
- The little boy is as mischievous as a monkey. 这个小男孩像猴子一样调皮。
- The little boy is a noisy feeder. 这个小男孩吃东西时发出响声。
- The little boy is impulsive. 那个小男孩很任性。
- The little boy is slow in his wits. 这个小男孩弱智。
- The little boy is quick at figures. 这个小男孩计算起数字来非常快。
- The little boy is sort of, um, wild with joy. 那个小男孩有点儿,呃,欣喜若狂。
- The little boy is sucking lemonade through a straw. 小男孩正在用麦管吸柠檬水。
- The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed. 小男孩正在学怎样铺床单。
- The little boy is cleaning the cla room. 小男孩正在打扫教室。
- The little boy is eating the biscuit . 这个小男孩正在吃饼干。
- The little boy is herding his father's cattle. 这个小男孩在放牧他父亲的牲口。
- The little boy isn't old enough to dress himself. 这孩子太小,还不能自己穿衣服。
- The little boy is playing the terrible game. 那小男孩正在玩恐怖的游戏。
- We wonder that the little boy is a university student. 我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。
- The little boy is, flashing the light about to look for his toy oar in the garden. 小男孩正打着手灯在院子里四下寻找他的玩具车。
- The little boy is afraid to walk in the dark. 小孩害怕在黑暗中走路。
- The little boy is trying to stand the egg on end. 这个小男孩在试着把鸡蛋竖着放。
- The little boy is herding the cattle. 这个小男孩在放牛。