- The lion was at bay. 那狮子已经被围困。
- By early June, the President was at bay. 六月初总统已经陷入了绝境。
- The lion was stalking in the grass. 狮子在草丛中偷偷地向猎物靠近。
- The lion was hunting for its prey. 狮子在觅食。
- The lion was roaring triumphantly. 狮子正在发出胜利的吼叫。
- The lion was shut in a cage and unable to get away again. 这狮子关在笼子里无法再逃跑了。
- The lion was smelling the face of the sleeping baby. 那头狮子正在闻那个睡觉的婴儿的脸。
- If the lion was advised by the fox, he would be cunning. 如果狮子接受狐狸的劝告,他也只会使使诡计。
- Look! The lion was fought down. He will win the ten slaves, I'm sure. 你看,狮子竟被他打倒,他一定打得过十个奴隶。
- The huntsman fired a single shot at the lion and settled its hash. 猎人朝那只狮子开了一枪,把它打死了。
- A lion was sleeping in the eld.Suddenly,something fell on the lion s body. 一只狮子正在沉睡.;突然;有什么东西落到了他的身上
- The lion charged at those little animals. 狮子向那些小动物冲了过去。
- The lions were lying up after feeding. 狮子吃了东西后呆在洞穴中。
- I paid in a cheque for a hundred pounds to keep the bank manager at bay. 我用支票支付了100英镑,以避开银行经理来找麻烦。
- The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then. 当时修理工在修理你的自行车。
- The lion stood at bay. 那狮子已经被围困。
- At every instant there is a non-zero probability of the lion being in the cage. Sit and wait. 在任何情况下,狮子在笼子里的可能性都为非零。因此只要坐下来等待就可以了。
- The stubborn child was at last brought to reason. 这个不听话的孩子最终明白过来了。
- The lion was ravening the prey. 那只狮子在贪婪地吞食着捕获的猎物。
- I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主。