- The lightning struck again. 又打闪了。
- The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants. 这次事件的唯一牺牲者的是福瑞克的裤子。
- The lightning struck so close to Bill that he almost jumped out of his skin. 那闪电劈下来时离比尔那么近,简直把他吓坏了。
- So the research to the lightning strike reliability of OPGW is very important. 因此对OPGW雷击可靠性的研究和验证就显得尤为重要。
- The students from Hesalagarha Rajkiya Vidyalaya, a government-run school at Angara, in Jharkhand, were in their classrooms when the lightning struck. 一名当地居民称:“这里的医生都没有什么药。
- Cadore region is located in Shenzhen, and the pumping station is also the place where the lightning strike zone in Shenzhen. 深圳地处多雷地区,而泵站所在的地方又正好是深圳的雷击区。
- It is the tops of the mountain that the lightning strikes. 雷电所劈的正是高山之巅。
- A Pennsylvania man is recovering from his second lightning strike. Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival. The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants. 宾夕法尼亚州的堂。福瑞克现正在康复中,这是他人生中第二次被闪电击中。事情是发生在本周五,当时福瑞克正在参加一场宴会。这次事件的唯一牺牲者的是福瑞克的裤子。
- Pennsylvania man is recovering from his second lightning strike. Don Frick was struck Friday while attending a festival. The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants. 宾夕法尼亚州的堂.;福瑞克现正在康复中,这是他人生中第二次被闪电击中。事情是发生在本周五,当时福瑞克正在参加一场宴会。这次事件的唯一牺牲者的是福瑞克的裤子。
- All of a sudden lightning struck the tree. 突然间这个树被电给劈了。
- It was not long before tragedy struck again. 没多久,灾难又再次降临。
- The lightning has struck a house. 雷电击倒了一座房子。
- The serial rapist has struck again. 连环强奸犯又作案了。
- The commandos made a lightning strike behind enemy lines and destroyed the radar station. 突击队员在敌后来了一个突然袭击。摧毁了雷达站。
- The damned bridge was struck again. 那该死的桥又阻塞了。
- The lightning zigzagged through the church yard. 闪电呈之字形划过教堂的院子。
- Protection against the lightning strike in cement plant 水泥工厂的防雷设计
- The infallible mint-scented biro strikes again! 那支永无谬误的薄荷香味圆珠笔又一次“显灵”了!
- Police fear that the killer may strike again. 警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。
- The lightning flashed and the thunder crashed. 电光闪闪;雷声隆