- The law was finally repealed. 该项法律最後被废除。
- The unjust law was finally repealed. 不合理的法律终于废除。
- I thought the law was directed against husbandmen. 我认为该法律是直接针对农民的。
- The execution of the law was obstructed. 执法受到了阻挠。
- The law was appointed by the king. 这项法律是由国王规定的。
- The law was framed to protect freedom of speech. 制定这项法律以保护言论自由。
- The premise behind the law was sensible enough. 最初的立法目的是相当明确的。
- The law was carried by 310 votes to 306. 这项法令以三百一十票对三百零六票通过。
- The law was carried by310 votes to306 in Congress. 这项法令以三百一十票对三百零六票在议会获得通过。
- The penalty for disobeying the law was death. 不遵守该法律的刑罚是死刑。
- Indeed, such “sodomy laws” remained in force in some Western countries well into the late 20th century, when they were finally repealed. 甚至,这样的“反鸡奸法律”,在一些已经进入20世纪晚期的西方国家,当这部法律最后被修改的时候,仍然具有强制力。
- Can the law be, in turn, queered? 那么法律会不会反而被酷儿化呢?
- The law was ruled unconstitutional, but it has not been formally repealed. 该法案是违反宪法的,但是却从未被正式取消。
- The law was / were there in large numbers. 那里有大批警察。
- Those who break the law are subjected to justice. 违法者要受到法律制裁。
- The law was appointed by the parliament. 这项法律是由国会规定的。
- The impostor was finally discovered. 这个冒名顶替者终于被发现了。
- The law was carried by310 votes to 306 in Congress. 这项法令以三百一十票对三百零六票在议会获得通过。
- After breaking the law repeatedly,the hoodlum was finally caught and brought to account. 多次犯法后,歹徒最终被捕受审。
- The law was designed to shut out immigrants. 这项法律旨在拒绝移民入境。