- The latter is more desirable. 其中后者更具合理性。
- Also, the latter is more effective than papain. 同样,细菌酶较之木瓜蛋白酶也更有效。
- Of course the latter is more expensive. 列车员: 当然点菜要贵一些。
- The latter is more important on the conviction and sentence. 刑法适用解释对定罪量刑有着更加现实和重要的意义。
- Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive. 这两个人中,前者已死,而后者仍然活着。
- The NCV results indicate demyelination and axonal damages of MS peripheral nerves, and the latter is more significant. 神经传导检测结果提示MS周围神经存在脱髓鞘和轴突损害,后者更明显。
- I think the latter is more likely for a starting posit ion, especially if you have lit tle or no experience. 他们可能会问你想要多少工资,或简单的告诉你公司的打算。
- Poly-2-aminopyridine electrode is more stable than polyaniline-uricase electrode, because the latter is affected by uricase activity. 聚-2-氨基吡啶修饰电极比聚苯胺尿酸酶电极更稳定,因为聚苯胺尿酸酶电极受尿酸酶活性的影响。 聚-2-氨基吡啶对尿酸的催化反应活化能E_a为23 kJ.
- Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, the latter is a nurse. 珍和玛丽是好朋友,前者是老师,后者是护士。
- It is most desirable that he attend the conference. 他能参加这次会议是最好不过的了。
- Although the latter is more apropos for tearing into apexes, the base car is slightly more comfortable in areas with less-than-perfect road surfaces. 虽然后者更中肯的撕裂到最高点,该基地的汽车稍微更舒适的地区低于完善路面.
- Conclusion Experimental model of bile duct occlusive fibrosis in neonatal dog can be established by BDL or BDL/S, and the latter is more successful. 结论对幼犬进行单纯胆总管结扎或胆总管结扎后切断都可成功制作出胆管阻塞性肝纤维化模型,但后者成功率更高;幼犬胆管阻塞后形成肝纤维化比较快,自发逆转率低。
- Here are Tom and David ; the latter is my brother. 这是汤姆和大卫;后者是我的兄弟。
- While the latter is known as an "SH-wave". 后者叫做“sh波。”
- Ischemic stroke is clinical common emergency.Thrombolysis and neuroprotection is cardinal treatment.And nowadays,the latter is more and more thought highly by brain researcher. 缺血性中风是最常见的临床急症,溶栓和神经保护是其主要的治疗方法,而后者愈来愈受到脑病研究者的重视。
- Of the two the latter is better than the former. 二者中后者比前者好。
- It is suggested that gender differences are not only influenced by physiological factors, but also by cultural factors and the latter is more important. 应该说,两性差异的形成既离不开个体的生理因素也离不开社会文化固素,而后者的影响作用更大。
- Add 5 cups water to a small火煮fait 20 minutes) is more desirable. 加水5杯以小火煮20分钟即成)更为理想.
- I am persuaded the latter is true. 我相信后者是正确的。
- Compared the sensitivity of enzyme-linked sandwich assay and indirect enzyme-linked assay, the latter is more applicable.This provided the evidence to detect WCT using t... 本试验比较了酶联夹心法和间接酶联法的灵敏度,发现间接法检测WCT的灵敏度比夹心法相对高,这为应用间接法检测WCT提供了依据。