- The last two approach steps 最后两步助跑
- We'll miss out (eg not sing) the last two verses. 最後两句歌词我们不唱了。
- They were the last two to go aboard the ship. 他们是最後两位上船的。
- Is that the sum of what you've done in the last two years? 这就是你最近两年中完成的全部数量吗?
- The last two days of her stay there it rained like fury. 她在那儿逗留的最后两天里大雨滂沱。
- Profits in our company have trebled in the last two years. 我们公司的利润在这两年中增长成以前的三倍。
- The last two lines of this poem don't rhyme properly. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。
- Sale have stick at2 million for the last two years. 前两年销售额一直停留在200万英镑。
- The last two lines (ie of verse) rhyme. 诗的最後两行押韵.
- He trudged the last two miles to the town. 他步履艰难地走完最后两英里到了城里。
- The dates of the last two exams have been switched. 最后两门考试的日期掉换了。
- Her twice in the last two years. 公司在去年提升了她二次。
- Which are the last two states that join the union? 最后加入的两州是什么?
- Its happened a few times in the last two months. 它发生几次在前二个月。
- The last two questions are about Cambodia. 最后两个问题,柬埔寨的。
- The last two hours were murders. 最后两个小时真难熬。
- Their profits have trebled in the last two years. 最近两年他们的利润增加了三倍。
- Agur and Lemuel wrote the last two chapter. 最后两篇为安格和勒缪尔所写。
- The last two lines (ie of verse) rhyme . 诗的最后两行押韵.
- Tess! We brought the last two bins. 扎克:黛丝!我们拿来最后的两个大桶了。