- The language speaks for itself. 语言已经写明了的。
- He's a talented violinist. His performance speaks for itself. 他是个天才的小提琴手,一听他演奏就可知道。
- Your work will speak for itself. 你的努力自然会证明的。
- There is no need for me to praise it it speaks for itself. 无需我来称赞,那是不说自明的。
- The very fact that other clients keep on buying speaks for itself. 其他的客户正在不断地向我们购买,这一事实本身就说明了问题。
- There is no need for me to praise it; it speaks for itself. 无需我来称赞, 那是显而易见的。
- Refuse to accessorize a dress that speaks for itself. 一件够好的衣服不必再增加其它装饰。
- Such unfounded opinions do not bear argument; the truth speaks for itself. 对此论调,无需争辩,事实是最好的回答。
- There is no need for me to commend his action: is speaks for itself. 我没有必要来表扬他的行为:他的行为本身就说明问题。
- There is little need to comment on this school record; it speaks for itself. 对这份成绩报告单不需要用什么评论;它本身已经说明问题了。
- There is no need for me to commend his action: it speaks for itself. 我没有必要来表扬他的行为,他的行为本身就说明问题。
- There's no need to say any thing about the match,the score speaks for itself. 比赛一事没什么要说的了,比分本身已经说明了问题。
- He said that he was willing to help,but his absence speaks for itself. 他说他愿意帮忙的,可他没来已足以说明问题了。
- I certainly don't have anything to prove,my record speaks for itself. 我固然无以为证,但我的纪录可说明一切。
- Slang insinuates itself into the language. 俚语慢慢地渗入语言中。
- What is the language spoken in this African country? 这个非洲国家讲什么语言?
- We are the largest suppliers of folded chairs in the line.It speaks for itself that our priducts have superior quality. 我们是本行业中最大的折叠椅供应商,这本身就说明了我们的产品具有优等的质量。
- As you can see, your body language speaks for itself. In the future, make sure your body communicates what you want to say. 由此可见,你的肢体语言可以用来表达你的意思,以后,当你想表达想做什么的时候,一定要使用你的肢体语言来表达你的意思。
- At a Democratic Party rally supporters says President Yudhoyono's record on the economy speaks for itself. 持续的经济增长有利于民主党总统候选人、现任总统苏西洛获胜连任。
- His knowledge of the language is fair. 他对这种语言的了解相当不错。