- The lady has grey hair. 那位女士一头白发。
- The lady has grey hairs. 那位女士有几缕白发。
- Mr. Lamb is aging quickly and has grey hair. 兰姆先生衰老得快,已满头白发
- The old man had grey hair on the temples. 这位老人鬓发斑白。
- The lady had her hair set in large waves. 这位女士让人把头发梳成大波浪形。
- John, who has grey hair, is believed to be one of the most attractive figure. 满头银发的约翰被认为是最有吸引力的人物之一。
- The old lady has a haggard face. 老太太的脸很枯槁。
- Who's the old lady with grey hair? 那个灰色头发的老妇人是谁?
- The poor old lady has lost her reason. 那个可怜的老太太发疯了。
- The old lady has snowy white hair. 那位年长的女士有著雪白的头发。
- The ladies had their hair sculpted by the leading coiffeur of the day. 女士们的发型都是当代有名的理发师做的。
- Vanessa: The lady has plenty of experience for this job. But I really didn't appreciate how she dressed for the interview today. 那位女士有很多的工作相关经验。不过我实在不敢茍同她今天面试打扮的样子。
- The lady had a smell on her face. You mean the lady had a smile on her face? 还有,这位举止文雅的女士脸上“有气味”,而你的意思是想说这位女士在向我“微笑”。
- The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat. 这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。
- My husband has grey in his hair. 我的丈夫己经长出了灰发。
- The lady appeared with a luxurious fur coat. 那位夫人穿着华贵的毛皮外套来了。
- The old lady has no pin money at all. 这老妇根本没有私房钱。
- The lady looked at me with a contented smile. 那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。
- The regal lady had made a deep impression on him. 那位雍容华贵的妇人给他留下了深刻的印象。
- I think grey hair makes you look rather distinguished. 我觉得你灰白的头发使你看上去很有尊严。