- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- It's only the initiative of the investigation. 这仅仅是调查的开始。
- This study applied the investigation techniques of Environmental Forensics to examine the sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Houjing River. 摘要:本研究利用环境法医学之调查技巧,进行后劲溪水中VOC污染来源之探讨。
- The investigators were confronted by a wall of silence. 调查人员碰了壁,谁也不回答他们的问题。
- The investigating technique 侦查技术
- This is the appendix to the investigation report. 这是调查报告的附件。
- The investigator will is divided into three group. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- The state fire marshal led the investigation. 由州消防局长负责这项调查。
- The investigation culminated in failure. 调查工作以失败告终。
- The investigation was tabled for reasons unknown. 不知何故调查延缓进行。
- The investigation revealed no impropriety . 调查表明没有不正当的做法.
- Their repeated delays hog-tie the investigation. 他们一再的迟延妨碍了调查。
- We have to run over the investigation. 我们必须略为过目这份调查表。
- What has Harry been called up by the investigating committee for? 哈利为什么被调查委员会传讯?
- He was called up to give evidence by the investigating committee. 调查委员会传他作证。
- No new evidence emerged during the investigation. 调查过程中未发现新证据。
- The investigation has entered a new phase. 调查已进入新阶段。
- The investigation was carried out under the direction of a senior police officer. 调查是在一位高级警官的指导下进行的。
- The investigation showed his claim to be false. 调查的结果表明他所说的纯属子虚乌有。
- What he told the investigating committee was basically true. 他对调查委员会所说的话基本属实。