- The house is full now. 已经满座了。
- Alarm everyone quickly. The house is full of smoke. 快警告大家,屋子里都。
- The house is full of vulgar plastic flowers. 房子里摆满了俗不可耐的塑料花。
- The house is full of conveniences of every sort. 这座房子设备齐全。
- The house is now something of a museum piece. 这座房子现在几乎可以说是珍贵文物了。
- The house is now in danger of collapse. 这座房子有倒塌的危险。
- I'm sorry. The house is full now. Would you mind waiting a few minutes? 对不起,现在餐厅已满,您等几分钟可以吗?
- The house is set well back from the road. 这所房子与公路很有一段距离。
- The house is at an elevation of 1000 meters. 这所房子在海拔1000米处。
- The house is for sale with vacant possession. 该房供出售并能立即占有。
- The house is rather bigger than we thought. 这所房子比我们想的大得多。
- The house is regularly spraying with DDT. 房屋是定期用DDT喷洒。
- The house is worth a lot of money. 这栋房子值很多钱。
- The house is full of voices as pleasant as those of nightingales and swallows, they are holding a ball. 屋子里燕语莺声,她们在开舞会。
- The house is not wired for electricity yet. 这所房子还没有铺设好电线。
- The house is on the corner; you can't miss it. 那房子就在拐角处; 你不会找不到的。
- The house is red brick without a covering of stucco. 那房子是红砖砌的,没有用灰泥粉刷。
- The wallpaper in the house is in a sad state. 屋内的壁纸糟透了。
- The house is made of stone, not concrete. 那房子是石造的,不是混凝土造的。
- Their house is full of little ornaments. 他们的屋里满是小巧玲珑的摆饰。