- The hour passed like aeons. 时间过得慢极了。
- Pearl had not found the hour pass wearisomely while her mother sat talking with the clergyman. 她母亲坐在那儿和牧师谈话的当儿,珠儿并不觉得时间过得无聊。
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- Their party was small, and the hours passed quietly away. 她们这一伙人数不多,时间在她们身边静静地流逝。
- Pearl had not found the hour pass wearisomely, while her mother sat talking with the clergyman. 她母亲坐在那儿和牧师谈话的当儿,珠儿并不觉得时间过得无聊。
- When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape. 当你渐渐老起来的时候(当然不是病了),你会时常倦怠,而时光就像慢吞吞的老牛走过一片风景般流逝。
- Another hour passed and the crowd grew/became restive. 又过了一个小时,人们有些不耐烦了。
- Rays of dimmed sunlight fall between the pews and statues as the hour passes. 由于语言的发展和发音器官的进化,而使有声语言成为主要的表达方式;
- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- Let not the hours pass by in the dark, kindle the lamp of love with your life. 不要让时光在黑暗中逝去,用你的生命点燃爱之灯吧。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- Let not the hours pass by in the dark, kindle the lamp of love with my life. 不要让时光在黑暗中逝去,用你的生命点燃爱之灯吧。
- Hour after hour passed without rescue forthcoming. 时间一个小时一个小时地过去了,营救人员仍然没有来。
- He talks like a watch which tick away minute, but never strike the hour. 他谈得像个滴滴答答地使时间一分分消逝而又决不报时的钟。
- They hire out boats by the hour. 他们按小时出租小船。
- The night is black as a black stone. Let not the hours pass by in the dark. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life. 夜像黑岩一般的黑。不要让时间在黑暗中度过罢。用你的生命把爱的灯点上罢。
- The old lady expired within the hour. 那个老太太不到一小时就死了。
- Please pass your papers in at the end of the hour. 请把你们的试卷在下课时交来。
- Her anger passed like remote flare of elation. 她的怒气象淡淡的兴奋一闪即逝。
- On July third; every hour on the hour. 在七月三日这一天; 时时刻刻