- The horse reared up in fear,throwing its rider off. 马受惊而前脚腾空,将骑手掀翻在地。
- The horse reared up on its hind legs. 那匹马后腿前立,站了起来。
- The horse reared up at the sight of the coming train. 马一见驰近的火车就用后腿直立起来了。
- The horse reared up in fear, throwing its rider off. 马受惊而前脚腾空,将骑手掀翻在地。
- The horse reared up in fear,throwing its horsewoman off. 马被吓得用后腿站立起来,把女骑手甩了下去。
- The horse reared up in fright as the truck dashed off down the street. 当卡车快速冲过大街时,这匹马吓得扬起前腿直立起来。
- For no apparent reason the horse reared up,almost unseating its rider. 不知为何马直立起来,差点把骑马人掀下来。
- For no apparent reason the horse reared up, almost unseating its rider. 不知为何马直立起来,差点把骑马人掀下来。
- The horse reared up. 马用后腿直立起来。
- The horse reared (up) in fright. 那马因受惊而用後腿直立(起来).
- The horse was scared and reared up. 马受惊了,前腿离地站了起来。
- The horse reared violently, dinging him off. 马猛然后腿直立把他从马背上摔下来。
- The horse reared and threw him off. 马立了起来,把他摔下。
- The horse suddenly reared up and threw me off. 马忽然用后腿直立起来, 把我摔下马背。
- The horse reared, throwing its rider. 这匹马后腿直立,将骑手摔下。
- The horse suddenly reared up in fear,throwing me off. 马忽然吓得直立起来,把我摔了下来。
- The horse reared, and then ran away. 马立起后腿脱缰而逃。
- Whiskers tugged on his reins, and his horse reared up on its hind legs, pawing the air with its hooves. 茅十八一提马缰,坐骑前足腾空,人立起来。
- The horse folded up in the homestretch. 马在终点直道上不肯跑了。
- The horse perked up its head when I shouted. 我吆喝时那马扬起了头。