- The gunfire made Aleks wince. 枪声使阿列克战栗了一下。
- The gunfire panicked the horses. 枪声惊吓了马。
- Don't panic!The gunfire panicked the horses. 别慌!枪声惊吓了马.
- Thunder [The gunfire] is rumbling in the distance. 雷声[炮声]在远处隆隆作响。
- The wall sheltered the soldiers from the gunfire. 这堵墙挡住了攻击士兵的炮火。
- People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. 人们拼命地找地方躲避炮火。
- Eyewitness said the gunfire lasted at least a minute. 据目击者说,他开枪扫射至少达一分钟之久。
- Gretchen pulls a double cross and shoots Carruth. She gets shot in the gunfire. 格雷琴来了一场双面间谍戏,射杀了卡鲁斯,在开火中她也被射中了。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- The plumber made a careful check of the pipes. 管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。
- The soldiers were mown down by enemy gunfire. 士兵大批大批地被敌军炮火打死。
- It was the sound of the gunfire of these paratroopers, the spearheads of the enormous landing forces that declared the opening of the second front. 作为大规模登陆战的前锋,正是这些伞兵们的枪声拉开了“第二战场”的帏幕。
- D.S., who attended the 1977 protest, remembers the panic that erupted as the gunfire rang out. 参加1977年抗议的D.;S
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- DS who attended the 1977 protest remembers of the panic that erupted as the gunfire rang out. 参加过1977年的抗议活动的DS回忆起爆发出枪声的紧张情绪。
- ITAR-Tass quoted another version from military eyewitnesses, who said they saw the helicopter hit by an object resembling a small missile or the gunfire of a heavy machine gun. 伊塔--塔斯社引述军方目击者的说法指出,他们看到这架直升机被一种类似小型飞弹或巨型机关枪的炮火击中。
- A year ago today I was escaping through the gunfire to the International Concession while they lay buried none knows where. 去年的今日,我在炮声中逃在英租界,他们则早已埋在不知那里的地下了;
- The hot weather made me feel lethargic. 炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。
- He made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture. 他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具。