- We must not forget about the grass roots. 我们绝不能忘记民众。
- The senator is sure that he will get support from the grass roots. 这位参议员相信他能得到基层群众的支持。
- The party is losing contact with the grass roots. 该政党正逐步脱离群众。
- Get yourself moving and go down to the grass roots. 迈开双脚,走向基层。
- Cadres often go down to the grass roots. 干部常常深入基层。
- They should ask people like us,from the grass roots. 他们应当问问像我们这样的一般民众。
- They should ask people like us, from the grass roots. 他们应当问问像我们这样的一般民众。
- The oligarchic regime seems to be losing contact with the grass roots. 那个寡头政权看来正在渐渐脱离民众。
- Is the grass roots of football education good enough? Discuss your development as a youngster? 英格兰的青年或少年足球教育足够完善么?谈谈你作为少年时的发展?
- Leaders at all levels must improve their work style, get rid of any bureaucratism and familiarize themselves with realities at the grass roots. 各级领导人的作风要转变,要解决官僚主义的问题、不深入实际的问题。
- The government has abolished the death penalty but there is still much support for it at the grass roots,among ordinary people. 政府已废除死刑,但在基层普通群众中仍然有很多人赞成死刑。
- Leaders at all levels must improve their work style,get rid of any bureaucratism and familiarize themselves with realities at the grass roots. 各级领导人的作风要转变,要解决官僚主义的问题、不深入实际的问题。
- The approach is simple, yet it is proven to be one of the most effective ways of tackling poverty at the grass roots level. 我们的方法很简单,但是已经被证明是在草根的层面上解决贫困问题最有效的途径之一。
- Compared with the state-controlled media, the words from the ordinary people at the grass roots are more convincing and influential. 同国家控制的媒体比较,来自草根阶级的平民百姓的说法更有说服力和影响力.
- The government has abolished the death penalty but there is still much support for it at the grass roots, among ordinary people. 政府已废除死刑,但在基层普通群众中仍然有很多人赞成死刑。
- The grass was wet with dewdrops. 草被露水浸湿了。
- Nest deep goblet, leaf stalks, leaves, grass or other soft material, a mixed with bryophytes within the grass roots or fine linen. 巢呈深杯状,以叶梗、竹叶、草或其它柔软物质夹杂少许苔藓构成,内铺以细根或纤细的草。
- The issue was, and still is, hotly debated at the grass roots level, with children coming to our schools speaking more than 200 languages. 新法案已发布,并照旧受到各阶层的热烈辩论,对儿童来说,在我们的学校将会听到多达200种语言。
- The faulty lawnmower chewed the grass up. 那部有毛病的割草机把草坪弄坏了。
- He lay outstretched on the grass. 他手脚摊开躺在草地上。