- All the cases can be considered within the framework of the existing rules. 一切情况都可依据现行章程的结构加以考虑。
- Robert Jordan was climbing down into the framework of the bridge. 罗伯特·乔丹爬到桥面下的梁柱之间。
- This was the framework of Anna's life. 这就是安娜生活的构架。
- You are ready to define the framework of the interaction. 你现在可以定义交互的框架了。
- We work exclusively within the framework of the GDP. 我们只在国内生产总值的框架范围内工作。
- I carelessly broke the framework of the folding fan. 我不小心弄断了这把折扇的扇骨。
- The ‘ductus' represents the framework of a type. 上面的“弯管”体现了这个字体的结构。
- We must solve international conflict with the framework of the United Nations. 我们必须在联合国框架内解决国际争端。
- To display the window in front of the stack. 以显示堆栈前面的窗口。
- All the cases can is considered within the framework of the existing rules. 一切情况都可依据现行的规章加以考虑.
- Pop removes an element at the top of the Stack. Pop可在Stack的顶部移除一个元素。
- Car frame, also called "crossbeam", is the framework of the whole car. 车架俗称大梁,它是整个汽车的骨架。
- At the top of the stack, you'll see an open window. 在堆栈顶部,将看到一个打开的窗口。
- How can the framework of the legal definition of insinuate and imply? 又如何在法律的框架下定义影射与暗示?
- I set out in greater detail the framework of the Accountability System in my 2001 Policy Address. 在二零零一年《施政报告》中,我具体地讲述了“问责制”的基本框架。
- I think we should cast our discussion in the framework of the situation in Singapore: Where did we come from? 我认为我们应该在新加坡的环境的架构下讨论这个问题:我们过去的处境如何?
- This is a political struggle,but it must be carried out within the framework of the law. 这场斗争是政治斗争,但是一定要在法律范围内进行。
- The ‘ductus’ represents the framework of a type. 字母的管状结构(笔画)构成字母的框架。
- Under the framework of the Festival Committee, we have the Art Committee, the Judging Panel and the Secretariat. 三、机构设定:在艺术周组委会的框架下设立艺术委员会、评委会、秘书处。
- CE addressed the Council on the framework of the new accountability system for principal officials. 行政长官就主要官员问责制的框架向立法会发言。