- The food is very limited. 食物短缺。
- I must say the food is very delicious. 我得说饭菜好吃极了。
- The food is very good by smelling good. 根据香味来判断;这食物一定很好吃.
- The food is very tasty, and they all eat it happily. 美食当前,他们都吃得很开心。
- The food is pleasing to my taste. 这饭菜正合我的口味。
- He says the food isn't hot enough, if you please! 他竟然说吃的东西不够热,你听听这话。
- There are some countries where (=in which) the supply of fuel is very limited. 有些国家的燃料供应非常有限。
- This sort of hot food is very typical of the food in the south of the country. 这种辣味食品是这个国家南方典型的食品。
- The food is nauseous to the taste. 这种食品有种令人作呕的味道。
- The food is good at this hotel, but the service is poor. 这家旅馆饭菜很好,但服务很差。
- The hotel is fitted up with modern comfort and convenience and the food is very much to my taste. 这个饭店装备着各种现代化的设施,服务周到,饭菜也非常合我的胃口。
- The view of the sea is beautiful and the food is very tasty. I like most of the food except the seacucumber. 海的景色非常美丽,食物可口,除了海参以外,大多数食物我都喜欢。
- Judging from the scent,this food is very delicious. 根据香味来判断;这食物一定很好吃.
- Canada is very beautiful, but it's not as cheap as China, and the food is not as good. Chinese food is so good. 很漂亮,但那的东西有点贵,还有食物没有中国的好吃,中国食物太好吃了。
- His ability to improve his work is very limited. 他改进工作的能力是很有限的。
- The food is too heavy on my stomach. 这食物对我的胃来说是太难消化了。
- My knowledge on this topic is very limited. 关于这方面的话题我了解有限。
- The food is delicious and the service is superb. 这里饭菜可口,服务一流。
- The food is not so great this year. 今年的菜不够精美。
- Her sphere of interests is very limited. 她的爱好很有限.