- But the end result was revealed the next morning. 不过,最后的结果于次日上午透露了出来。
- The end result was a larger headed offspring that self destruct. 结果是一个自我破坏的大头颅后代。
- The end result was less than 3% attrition overall of the skin cells atrophied in a recent trip to the mainland. 最终结果是在最近的内陆之行中所有皮肤细胞只有少于百分之三的损耗。
- The end result was war and disputes over territory amongst humans, even in Lemuria. 结果是越过领土之间的战争和反抗,直至与利莫里亚。
- Only time will tell what the end result will be. 只有时间会告诉您最终将得到什么结果。
- The end result was humans who fell in love in vastly different biochemistry and thought-form, and chose to marry and procreate. 结果,生物学和生化极其不同的两个人类跌入爱河,并选择结婚和生育。
- The end result was that while the overall index showed a drop, the benefit was spread unevenly among the households, to the disadvantage of the lower and lower middle classes. 最终结果是虽然指数整体下跌,但每户家庭获益并不平均,普遍对低下阶层及中低下层较不利。
- Mr Tarullo observes that the banks would accept all sorts of arbitrary provisions as long as the end result was to reduce the amount of capital they had to put aside. 塔鲁罗指出,只要最终结果能够减少银行需要储备的资产总量,不管多么专横多么复杂的条款,银行都可以接受。
- But the results are surprising, even shocking. 但是结果却出人意料,甚至可以说是震惊。
- The end result: more, fatter fat cells. 最终的结果是:更多的,更胖的脂肪细胞。
- The end result was that they believed that they were god goddess above and beyond all other form, including their humanoid slaves, the red nations peoples and nature. 结果是,他们相信自己是高高在上、超越所有其它形态的神与女神,包括超越人类奴隶、红族人和大自然。
- An expensive operation for the end result, perhaps. 也许对于结果而言,这是一次昂贵的行动。
- The end result, interest savings for the issuer. 这样可以省下一笔利息开支。
- But the end result is worth the effort. 但最后出来的效果是值得你这番辛苦的。
- It would not be surprising if it declared a cyclical peak near the end of 2006. 如果该机构断言经济于2006年底出现周期性见顶,不会令人感到意外。
- Enlightenment is the end result of yoga. 顿悟??顿悟是瑜伽的最终结果。
- During the second session, the younger group members were invited to portray their hands and feet, and the end result was hands and feet of various colors against different backgrounds. 在第二节,幼年组是要描画自己的手脚。结果是不同颜色的手脚配搭各种背景。
- Ok that's it for this tutorial! You can of course add some of your own texture or filter effect and see what the end results are! 本教程就到此,你当然也可以添加一些纹理图或滤镜,看看那将会是什么效果!
- The end result is as unrepeatable as it can be inadvisable. 最终的结果因其可能失策而不可复制。
- The strength and durability of the results were surprising to the authors. 结果的强度和持久性令作者吃惊。