- The drunkards are brawly. 这些醉鬼在喧哗吵闹。
- The drunkard was turned out of the bar. 醉汉被赶出了酒吧。
- The drunkard was walking in a roll. 醉汉摇摇晃晃地走着。
- A retainer discovered that the drunkard was Kwashin Koji. 有位侍臣发现这位醉汉就是果正居士。
- The drunkard was not only a blot on the landscape but a block in the traffic. 这醉汉不仅大煞风景,而且妨碍交通。
- The drunkards were disappointed. They would not be able to drink again as soon as they wanted. But they decided to be patient and wait. 酒鬼们很失望。因为他们想到自己不能再喝酒。但他们决定要耐心地等待。
- The drunkard staggered along the street. 那醉汉趔趄着走在街上。
- The drunkard tottered along the road. 醉鬼在路上踉跄行走。
- Staggering to his feet, the drunkard bellow out a laugh. 醉汉摇摇晃晃地站起来时发出一声大笑。
- Staggering along, the drunkard plumped against a tree on the roadside. 那个醉汉东一斜西一歪,猛地撞到了路边的树上。
- The actor had the drunkard off to perfection. 这个演员模仿醉鬼真是惟妙惟肖。
- The drunkard wavered out of the wineshop. 醉汉踉跄着走出了酒馆。
- The drunkard reeled down the street. 那醉汉在街上蹒跚而去。
- That drunkard was the opprobrium of our community. 那个酒鬼是我们社区里可耻的人物。
- The drunkard led a vicious life. 这个醉汉过着堕落的生活。
- Of all men the drunkard is the foulest. 男人中最讨人厌的是酒鬼。
- The drunkard met his death in the car accident. 酒鬼在车祸中丧命
- The drunkard procured his death. 醉汉促成了他的死。
- The drunkard signed the pledgenever to drink again. 那酒鬼立誓永远不再喝酒。
- A drunkard be like a whisky bottle , all neck and belly and no head . 酒鬼好比威士忌瓶,全是脖子跟肚子而没有脑子。