- The door swung shut with a bang. 门砰地一声关上了。
- The door swung shut. 门关上了。
- The door swung inward once again. 门又一次向里打开了。
- Go inside, push a button, and the semicircular door swings shut. 进入厕所并按一下按钮,半圆形的门扉就会旋转关闭(见上侧照片)。
- The door swung open, disclosing a long dark passage. 门开了,露出一条昏暗的长通道。
- If the door swung in, she flung it back with her foot. 如果门开大了,她就用脚把它钩回来。
- The door of the truck swung shut, banging him in the rear as he mumbled and sorted and stuffed paper coffee cups and banana peels into a brown grocery bag that he tossed into the truck box when he was finished. 他正在咕哝着把纸咖啡杯、香蕉皮等等塞进一个杂货店的大牛皮纸袋然后扔到卡车后箱中去时,车门砰的一声碰上了,打了他屁股一下。
- As he reached the cabin, the door swung open just in time. 当他来到机舱门口时,门正好打开了。
- As the door swung closed behind him, I reacted on impulse. 门在他身后关上的时候,我一时冲动作出了反应。
- The door shut with a bang after the angry man. 那人愤怒地走出屋把门砰地一声关上了。
- She stepped inside and let the door swing to a close behind her. 她走了进来,门在后面自动地关上了。
- When the door swung to behind me,I found that I did not take my keys. 门在后面关上时,我发现没带钥匙。
- When the door swung to behind me, I found that I did not take my keys. 门在后面关上时,我发现没带钥匙。
- Please leave the door latch shut. 请把门闩上。
- When I heard the door swing to behind me,I knew that I was locked out. 我一听到门在我身后自动关上的声音,便知道被锁在外边了。
- A gust of wind blew the door shut. 一阵大风吹来,把门关上了。
- When I heard the door swing to behind me, I knew that I was locked out. 我一听到在我身后自动关上的声音,便知道被锁在外边了。
- She came into the room and shut the door. 她进到屋子里来,然後关上了门。
- Shut the door after you when you go out. 出去时请随手关门。
- The door pinched my finger as it shut. 门关上时夹了我的手指。