- Once they sign the paper, the die is cast. 他们一旦签了字,就再也无法改变了。
- There is no turning back now,the die is cast. 如今已无退路,一切已成定局。
- Www. Nongyue. Cdd. Cn The die is cast. 骰子已经掷下。
- There is no turning back now, the die is cast. 如今已无退路,一切已成定局。
- The die is cast The decision has been made and is irrevocable. 木已成舟:已作出决定,无法反悔语源。
- The die is cast now, but I still say they were too young to get married. 现在木已成舟,不过我仍然要说,他们太年轻了还不该结婚。
- The die is cast now,but I still say they were too young to get married. 现在木已成舟,不过我仍然要说,他们太年轻了还不该结婚。
- The key is to seek expert opinion before the die is cast as what is done cannot be undone. 听取意见最好在事前,不要在事后。生米已经煮成熟饭了,叫达芬奇再世也没法把熟饭变回生米。
- At all events, what use was there in delaying? the die is cast(thrown) and now or tomorrow the issue must be the same. 不管怎么样,拖下去有什么好处呢?反正木已成舟,今天说穿和明天说穿还不是一样。
- The dies is caSt. 原义
- The die is cast. 木已成舟。
- Well, the die is cast. 哎,已经不能挽回了。
- The best throw of the dice is to throw them away. 最佳的掷鹘子法,就是把它们扔掉。
- The dice is cast. 一切都已成定局。
- B: The dice is cast. It's incurable. 一切都成了定局,没救了。
- What's the point of standing against it? The die is already cast. 如今生米做成了熟饭,你再反对又有什么用?
- The die is implemented as in dice. Jsl.dice. jsl中实现了该骰子。
- The dog is cast about for its supper. 这条狗正到处寻找它的晚饭呢。
- The die is reliable in operation and makes high quality bla... 该模具工作可靠,切料质量高。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。