- The correct or desirable thing 正确、恰好的事; 所需之物
- This is how initiative or passivity is related to the correct or incorrect subjective direction of a war. 这是主动或被动和主观指导的正确与否之间的关系。
- Most favorable or desirable; optimum. 最理想的最适宜的,最令人满意的,最优的
- Consequently it is also inseparable from the correctness or incorrectness of the subjective direction of war. 因而也是和主观指导的正确或错误分不开的。
- Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time? 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗?
- Ring the correct answer with your pencil. 用铅笔圈出正确的答案。
- Away from the correct path or direction. 离开正道偏离正确的道路或方向
- No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made as to the correctness or sufficiency of the information. 对信息的正确性、充分性不作任何担保、保证或表示。
- Excuse me. Can you please tell me the correct time? 对不起,请你告诉我准确的时间好吗?
- Anything owned that has exchange value; a valuable or desirable thing to have 财产;有交换价值的占有物;有价值的东西
- It didn't take the children long to figure out the correct answer. 孩子们没有花很多时间就算出了正确的答案。
- If the contents or materials do not conform to the requirements, it shall inform the applicant of the corrections or supplements he should make within the prescribed time limit. 对申请内容或者材料不符合要求的,应当告知申请人在规定期限内更改或者补充;
- My watch was slow and I have put it forward to the correct time. 我的表慢了,我已向前把它拔到了正确时刻。
- Be sure to punctuate your sentences with the correct marks in the right places. 一定要在你文章句子中的正确地方标上正确的标点符号。
- If I can like this get my desirable thing just good! 如果我能这样得到我想要的东西才好呢!
- Right now, it's not my most desirable thing anymore. 但现在,那已经不是我最希望做的事情了,我现在更喜欢打高尔夫。”
- Thus,for eighteen years,the building and bolshevization of the Party have been closely linked with its political line,with the correct or incorrect handling of the questions of the united front and armed struggle. 十八年来,党的建设过程,党的布尔什维克化的过程,是这样同党的政治路线密切地联系着,是这样同党对于统一战线问题、武装斗争问题之正确处理或不正确处理密切地联系着的。
- To turn from a correct or proper course; deflect. 偏离离开某一正确的或合适的路线;偏斜
- First measure (it) up, then cut the timber to the correct length. 先把尺寸量好,再把木材锯成所需长短。
- Thin: light liquor lacking any strong or desirable characteristics. 瘦身:轻酒缺乏强大还是可取的特点。