- The concert was a sellout. 音乐会座无虚席。
- The concert was quite a hit in Chicago. 这场音乐会在芝加哥曾轰动一时。
- There was a rush for the concert tickets. 出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。
- Attendance at the concert was very poor. 那次音乐会的上座率极低。
- The concert was held over till the following week. 音乐会延期到下周举行。
- Thanks to Germaine's tireless efforts, the concert was a huge success. 多亏了杰曼不知疲倦的努力,音乐会获得了巨大成功。
- Every concert of hers has been a sellout. 她的每次演奏会都是满座。
- The concert was a failure because the instruments were wrongly keyed . 协奏曲演奏失败了,因为乐器调子定错了。
- The fans at the concert were really ape. 音乐会上乐迷们真是如痴如狂。
- The concert was a failure because the instruments were wrongly keyed. 协奏曲演奏失败了,因为乐器调子定错了。
- A highlight of the concert was a collaboration between Singaporean singer-songwriter JJ Lin and Lee Hom. 演唱会上的一个亮点是新加坡创作型歌手林俊杰与力宏之间的合作。
- The hall emptied as soon as the concert was over . 音乐会结束后,大厅里空无一人。
- The concert was rather a scrappy affair. 这场音乐会真可说是一个七拼八凑的大杂烩。
- The concert was held over till the next week because of the singer's illness. 音乐会被推迟到下星期举行,因为歌唱演员病了。
- The concert was broadcast by relay. 这场音乐会是实况转播的。
- The concert was attended by thousands of fans. 那场音乐会有数以千计的乐迷参加。
- The concert was televised nationally yesterday. 昨天音乐会是向全国转播。
- The concert was considered ok lor... 哪场演唱会还算过得去咯。。。
- Emma and John's concert was a big success. 艾玛?布莱克和约翰?琼斯的音乐会很成功。
- The outdoor concert was a great success! 那场户外的演唱会很成功!