- The company has gone into liquidation. 这家公司已停业清理了。
- The company has gone bankrupt . 这家公司破产了。
- The company has gone bankrupt. 这家公司破产了。
- The company had go bankrupt. 这家公司破产了。
- The company has gone into a decline because of falling demand. 由于市场需求下降,这家公司的生意每况愈下。
- It was noised abroad that his company had gone bankrupt. 外面谣传他的公司已破产。
- But for the massive injection of public funds, the company would have gone bankrupt earlier. 要不是大量注入公积金,这家公司可能早就倒闭了。
- The company has gone badly off the rails in recent years. 这家公司最近几年已经陷于严重瘫痪。
- The company has gone into partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation. 这家公司已经和瑞士银行公司建立合作关系。
- The choice facing the company is simple: diversify or go bankrupt. 摆在公司面前的道路不难选择: 要麽进行多种经营,要麽破产。
- The company has branch out into car leasing. 该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
- The company has gone from strength to strength since it was established ten years ago. 那家公司自从10年前创办以来一直不断壮大。
- The company has located on the West Coast. 公司设在西海岸。
- The company had go into a decline because of falling demand. 由於市场需求下降,这家公司的生意每况愈下。
- The company has met their export target. 该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
- The company has problem in servicing its debt. 该公司在支付债息方面有问题。
- The company has gone from strength to strength since it was established five years ago. 这家公司自五年前创办以来一直不断壮大。
- It is unthinkable that the company went bankrupt. 真想不到那家公司会倒闭。
- The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it. 公司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护。
- It's unthinkablethat the company went bankrupt. 真想不到那家公司会倒闭。