- I don't like the color of our school uniform. 我不喜欢校服的颜色。
- The color of our hair 是我们头发的颜色
- The color of her dress suits her very well. 她衣服的颜色很适合她。
- Blue suits you, sets off the color of your hair. 蓝色适合你,让你头发的颜色更加吸引人。
- What are the colors of our flag? What do they stand for? 我们的国旗是什么颜色?它们代表什么?
- Name all the color of all the princesses' hair. 最大题 看你知不知所有公主头发的颜色?
- The color of many Leonids is like the color of our sodium discharge lamps. 多数狮子座流星雨的颜色就像钠灯发出光的颜色。
- It's difficult to match the color of old paint. 很难找到和旧画颜色相配的色彩
- The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug. 窗帘的颜色和地毯相近。
- We're better off to get her out of our hair. 把她打发走不找我们的麻烦,我们也可以省心一点。
- The color of the curtains clashed with the color of the carpet. 窗帘的颜色和地毯的颜色不协调。
- It is so easy to take for granted the color of our kid's eyes,the way melody in a symphony rises and fells and dis appered and rises again. 我们很容易浪费自己的生命,挥霍自己的日子,每一小时,每一分钟。我们很容易忽视孩子眼睛的颜色,淡漠悦耳的交响乐旋律的跌宕起伏。
- The color of her hair is light yellow. 她头发的颜色是淡黄色。
- Of course we do, and we bleed red blood no matter what the color of our skin, or the language we speak, the clothing we wear, the gods we worship, of our geographical home. 当然会的。我们都会流出殷红的鲜血,不管我们肤色如何,操何种语言,装束如何,信仰哪些神灵,亦不管我们家住何方。
- The poster matches the color of my living room. 这张海报和我的客厅颜色很协调。
- Look at the color of that bird. It is amazing. 看那只鸟的颜色,真不可思议!
- It's difficult to match the color of the old paint. 很难找到和旧画颜色相配的色彩。
- We connect the word "blue" with the color of sky. 我们由“蓝”这个字联想到晴空的颜色。
- Having the color of amber;brownish - yellow. 琥珀色的;棕黄色的
- Zoom in the head and see the color of face and hat. 放大示例中的人物头像,仔细看帽子和脸部所运用的颜色。