- The clown is performing now. 小丑正在表演。
- The clown is jumping to and fro on the stage. 小丑在舞台上来回地跳。
- The clown is putting on a funny show. 小丑在进行滑稽表演。
- Now the ShaoLin Cord and Dart is performing! 他已将武术融入了他的灵魂!
- The surgeon is performing a delicate operation. 那位外科医生正在做一个很精细的手术。
- We are laughing at the clown's silly antics. 我们因小丑笨拙的动作而发笑。
- The clown's performance made people laugh. 小丑的表演把人们逗笑了。
- George: Who is performing now? 乔治:是谁正在表演?
- The one with a white nose is the clown. 丑角的鼻子涂成白色。
- The clown is very fanny. 小丑很有趣。
- The children laughed with glee at the clown's antics. 孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。
- A clown is somebody who makes you laughs. 小丑是让我们发笑的人。
- The clown at the circus amused the children. 马戏团的小丑把孩子们逗乐了。
- That clown is full of amusing tricks. 这个丑角噱头真多。
- The children were diverted by the clown. 孩子们被小丑逗乐了。
- The clown delighted the audience. 小丑逗乐了观众。
- The clown made many antic gestures. 小丑表演了很多滑稽动作。
- The performance of the clowns is special in this local opera, popular in Fujian and Taiwan provinces. 高甲戏丑行的表演很有特色。
- No fine clothes can hide the clown. 好衣难遮丑。
- Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight. 艺术团今天晚上在礼堂演出。