- The child trembles with fear. 小孩吓得发抖。
- The children trembled all over with fear. 孩子们吓得浑身发抖。
- The children trembled with fright. 孩子们被吓得发抖。
- The child backed away from him, pale with fear. 孩子恐惧得脸色发白,朝后退着。
- The child's convulsions filled us with fear. 孩子抽筋使我们忧心忡忡。
- Trembling with fear; sick with the flu. 害怕的发抖;感染了流行性感冒
- The child was shaking with fear. 小孩吓得发抖。
- My legs were trembling with fear. 我吓得双腿直发抖。
- She trembled with fear at the sight of him. 她一看见他便怕得发抖。
- The timid man trembled with fear. 那个胆怯的男人因恐惧而颤抖。
- He woke up from a nightmare, trembling with fear. 他从噩梦中惊醒,因为恐惧而吓得发抖。
- He turned ashen pale and trembled with fear. 他吓得脸色苍白,索索发抖。
- Morgan fell to the ground, trembling with fear. 摩根摔到地上,害怕地发抖。
- And trembled with fear at his frown. 而当他皱眉时她却因担心而颤抖.
- Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear. 我们的隆隆炮声使敌人胆战心惊。
- On hearing the news all of them were trembling with fear. 听到消息他们无不战战兢兢。
- The enemy trembled with fear on hearing of our army. 我军使敌人闻风丧胆。
- If you hit the child again, you'll have me to reckon with. 如果你再打孩子,我就要插手这事了。
- The prisoner trembled with fear as he faced the court. 囚犯面对法庭时吓得浑身发抖。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。