- The child displayed no fear. 那个小孩显得一点也不害怕。
- The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police. 那孩子极为主动地把警察找来。
- Our soldiers displayed no fear . 我们的士兵毫无惧色。
- Raja Bell: His belligerent defense displays no fear of, and little respect for, whomever he's guarding. 拉加-贝尔:他好战的防守显示出无所畏惧,而且无论他在防守谁都很少尊重对方。
- The children displayed swollen heads, while their bodies failed to grow. 孩子们的症状表现为头部肿胀,且身体停止发育。
- It is wrong of you to bully the child. 你不该欺侮那个孩子。
- The child was tired and fretful. 那孩子又疲倦又烦躁不安。
- She exhibited no fear in the face of danger. 她面对危险毫无惧色。
- Punishment seemed to make no impression on the child. 惩罚对这孩子似乎没什么效果。
- There is no fear that he'll be late. 他不会迟到的。
- The obstetrician delivered the child. 产科医生替这个孩子接生。
- His mother never said no to any request the child might make. 这孩子的母亲从来没有拒绝过他提出的要求。
- If you hit the child again, you'll have me to reckon with. 如果你再打孩子,我就要插手这事了。
- Have no fear of failure, success usually comes after failure. 不要怕失败,成功通常来自失败之后。
- The child seized a fistful of nuts. 那孩子抓了一把栗子。
- The child spends hours poring over her books. 那孩子用了几个小时仔细阅读她的那些书。
- The mother bade the child behave himself. 妈妈叮咛孩子要守规矩。
- The child has no incentive to study harder because his parents cannot afford to send him to college. 这孩子没有努力学习的动力,因为他父母供不起他上大学。
- The innocent need have no fear of the law. 钢刀虽快,不斩无罪之人。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。