- The cheese sickened him. 干酪使他作呕。
- The mice have nibbled a hole in the cheese. 老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。
- The cheese was emitting a strong smell. 干酪散发出强烈的气味。
- The loosened goose chooses the cheese to eat. 被解开的鹅挑选奶酪吃。
- The second mouse gets the cheese. 第二只老鼠得到乳酪起士。
- Then they would sit down to nibble on the cheese. 然后他们才会坐下来咀嚼奶酪。
- This car is certainly the cheese. 这辆汽车无疑是第一流的。
- That ring is certainly the cheese. 那只戒子无疑是精品。
- The cheese molded in the damp cellar. 乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。
- Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the tomatoes. 把干酪磨碎撒在西红柿上。
- The cheese and avocado dip is absolutely delicious. 奶酪和鳄梨的调味酱简直就是人间美味。
- I'd like a big Mac, but hold the cheese. 我想要一个巨无霸,但是别放奶酪。
- He didn't expect to get the cheese in that company. 他没想到在那个公司会碰钉子。
- The cheese was formed into the shape of cylinder. 乳酪被做成圆柱状。
- Mice have nibbled all the cheese away. 老鼠一点一点地把乾酪都啃光了.
- Weasel cut the cheese when it is in hazard. 我的翻译:黄鼠狼放屁是危险的信号。
- Maggie: Well, somebody ate all the cheese. 麦琪:噢,有人把奶酪吃光了。
- Meanwhile Mikey takes the cheese. 此时,米奇拿走了这个奶酪。
- Such facility sickened him. 如此熟练的技巧令他作呕。
- What happened to all the cheese puffs? 这些奶酪泡芙怎么了?