- The catcher bobbled. 接球手漏接球了。
- The catcher signaled for a low fast ball. 捕手发出投快速低球的信号。
- The catcher signaled him to swerve. 接手示意他投弧线球。
- The catcher motioned to the pitcher. 捕手用手势向投手做信号。
- The part of the outfield on the catcher's right. 外场中接球手右边的部分。
- The catcher's chest protector cushions the blow. 捕手的护胸能减轻球的冲力。
- The catcher wanted the pitcher to pitch out and see if they could catch the runner stealing. 捕手要投手投出一个远球,以看看他们是否能捉到盗垒的人。
- Fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher. 两击出界后三振出局; 被捕手接住界外球而出局
- The catcher was dinged on the head by a wild throw. 那个凶猛的投球打在接手的头上。
- The catcher caught the ball cleanly. 接球手利落地接住了来球。
- The part of the outfield on the catcher's left. 外场中接球手左边的部分。
- The catcher tossed the ball back to the pitcher. 捕手把球扔还投手。
- The catcher returned the ball to the pitcher. 把球还给投手。
- A foul ball was easily caught by the catcher. 界外球很容易被接球手接住。
- An umpire stands behind the catcher in baseball. 棒球比赛时, 裁判员站在接球手的身后。
- The Catcher in the Rye It's wit that makes a man brave. 智能使人勇敢。
- Tom was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly. 汤姆被判出局,因为接球员接住了飞来的球。
- He's the man down there pitching the ball to the catcher. 就是那个在场上把球投给接球手的人。
- Out in the pasture the nature watcher watches the catcher. 在牧场地自然看守人观看俘获器。
- The part of the outfield directly ahead of the catcher. 外场中接球手正前方的部分。