- The case was cleverly put. 这问题讲得很妙。
- The case was cleverly put 这问题讲得很妙。
- The case was tried before a jury. 此案是有陪审团参加审理的。
- The case was tried last Wednesday. 上星期三审判了该案件。
- The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence. 该案因证据不足而撤销。
- The case was tried summarily without a jury. 那案件没有陪审团便草草地审问了。
- The case was too heavy for a child to carry. 这箱子太重了孩子搬不动。
- The case was terminated by statute. 这一案子被法令所取消。
- Oversight of the case was given to F. J. 这一案件的监督权交给了弗尼瓦·琼斯。
- The case was brought to court for trial. 这案件提交法院审理。
- The case was referred to a competent authority. 案件已提交给有决定权的机构处理。
- The case was remitted to the Court of Appeal. 这个案件被提交给了上诉法院。
- The case was wound up a year ago! 那桩案子一年前就了结了!
- His ideas were cleverly put. 他巧妙地表达了他的想法。
- The case was adjourned until next Thursday. 该案延至下星期四审理。
- The case was assigned to a police court. 这案件交警察法庭审理。
- And the case was attached for verification. 并附案例以资验证。
- It was clever of you to solve the problem. 你能解答那个问题真是聪明。
- The case was carried into court. 该案已提交法院办理。
- I thought the case was reversedly installed. 我还以为剑格装反了,