- The boy has a big head. 那男孩儿长了个大脑袋。
- The boy has got a real big head. 这娃娃头真大。
- Bowler Hat Guy: Why aren't you seizing the boy? Tiny the T-Rex: I have a big head, and little arms. “礼帽”盖伊:我的奴隶,抓住那个男孩!“礼帽”盖伊:你为什么不抓住那个男孩?
- The boy has two small eyes and a big mouth. 这个男孩有双大眼睛和一张大嘴。
- The boy has a deformed foot and cannot play games. 那男孩有一只畸形足,不能参加游戏。
- The boy has a dislike for vegetables. 那男孩不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- The boy has a head of soft, thick hair. 这孩子长着一头茸茸的头发。
- The boy has a good enough brain but he's bone idle and won't study. 这个男孩脑子十分好,但就是懒惰成性,不肯学习。
- The boy had a parrot on his right shoulder. 男孩把一只鹦鹉放在右肩上。
- He has a big head and a round face. 他有一个大大的头和圆圆的脸蛋。
- The boy had a bad attack of malaria. 那个男孩得了严重的疟疾。
- Tiny the T-Rex: I have a big head, and little arms. 霸王龙:因为我的脑袋太大,胳膊太短。
- The boy had a headache and had to see the doctor. 这个男孩头疼,不得不去看医生。
- The boy has a will of his own in doing everything. 这孩子做任何事都是我行我素。
- The boy had a lot of pocket money. 这男孩有许多零用钱。
- That boy has grown a big head. 那男孩儿长了个大脑袋。
- The boy have a deformed foot and cannot play games. 那男孩有一只畸形足,不能参加游戏。
- Albertosaurus had a big head with sharp teeth. 在它的大脑袋上长有35颗尖牙。
- It is said that the boy has a lively mind. 据说这个男孩头脑活跃。
- The boy has a strong thirst for knowledge. 那男孩有强烈的求知欲。